Haidakhan, 3. january 2018
Just now the project hast started with filling up the space between the big roots with sand and earth to protect the roots from the heavy weight if the stones. The sand keeps away the water and the earth gives new roots the chance to come up and save more and more the tree ... PHURO

The first money collection part finished now !!
The collection of 1.505,08 €uro was manifested from 31 people who gave their part in form of money which can give some work to villagers from Haidakhan and create our protection wall including a big spce to plant bamboo trees around for making strong roots to protect the stone platform surrounding the Hanuman tree .. 

Haidakhan, 4. january 2018
Just created the 2nd paypal moneypool to collect more money for finishing the protection area around the Hanuman tree on Satikhund which is so much attacked by the monsoon year by year. The wish is to make a bod oval circle planted up with bamboo trees for creating strong roots to fix the stone platform around the tree and make the protection even stronger.

The idea in this 2nd worldwide money collection is that many people give little and create a big circle of giving for Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham and its holy areas. A lttle ammount you don't feel much but all together create a big thing and the secret is that little makes much, the antigame in the times of taking and taking.

Karma Yoga is giving selfless, and people who are not coming here to dig and to work can help a lot in giving a small donation to this wonderful project to create the Union Sri Babaji is speaking about. He is giving us informations about the power of union and that we can together move so much in these times.

The Satikhund Protection Leela is a common project from devotees allover the world. Stay tuned and watch the progress ...


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