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In this little church all started and later people made a big church and this little one is now inside the big one.

It is not allowed to take photos there, for this I made it top secret, but the photo doesn‘t show the BIG church above the little one ...

In this little church all started and later people made a big church and this little one is now inside the big one.

It is not allowed to take photos there, for this I made it top secret, but the photo doesn‘t show the BIG church above the little one ...

Few years ago there was a big earth quake here with much destroying of buildings. The Madonna in front of the BIG church (with the little one inside) made with real gold didn‘t fall down. When they took it down to repair and the light went on in the night, the shadow of this Madonna had the face of the Holy Franciscus ...

Assisi is a little village with around 800 citizens there and thousands of toruists coming all year long. It is a very special old village with wonderful small roads and houses made with natural stones, the colors are soft and people put everywhere flowers and it is wonderful ...

In Italy the roads are not so nice and perfect made like in most parts of Germany, but Assisi has a very special floor: the roads in this little village are made from marble stones, which is normally a deluxe thing for making floors and specially roads ...

Marble is here around in the mountains and so it is a regional thing to take these stones ...

If you want to visit this holy place Assisi to get inspired from Franciscus, who was like Babaji and His message ...

and if you also want to celebrate the beautiful area around Asisi you don‘t need to book an anonymous hotel ...

You can stay very nice in a Babaji Guest House here, at the walnut farm from Vasanti Devi and Prem Das, who are living here and offering beautiful space for you and your family ...

on the next site this place will be introduced on your omline magazine:

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