inner meaning of yagna
On one level the dhuni and holy fire is a direct link of communication with all the various spheres or Dimensions of Manifestation. The Holy Fire can be a pragmatic means of sending messages and offerings to the realm of the God's and Devatas, as well as sending thanks and support to raise our Ancestors to higher states of Being and Harmony by directly sending our prayers and offerings to the Realm or Sphere of Consciousness in which they live.
But to the True Sadhaka who has become accustomed to learning to let go, stepping back (even from one's ideas of self) to just listen and be open to what everything is constantly teaching - the Fire is always in direct language hinting at, reminding, and boldly stating the Absolute Truth. Only the Immortal Indestructible Essence Remains - That is the Ultimate Truth -Tat Tvam Asi- That Thou Art, everything else is changeable, destructible, and has only Relative Value and Truth which is completely dependent on the Absolute.
The Absolute is unalterable, dependent on nothing as the source and Medium of all Manifestations, and cannot be destroyed. Dattatreya said as long as any one desires or pursues after anything other than this - (The Only Reality the Very Essence and Truth of the Self) - there will be fear. This is because in this Truth there is only One Infinite Nature of Absolute Being manifesting all the Infinite Possibilities of
Experience within That One Totality. Then there is no protagonist and antagonist, there is only the Divine Play and Dance of the One. Everything, even as it may be seen as diversity - is a manifestation of the Infinite Possibilities and Resources to Experience Being - a product or effect of One Infinite Power.
The fire constantly reminds us of this truth; to remember the Indestructible Absolute, and what we may think is important or real is actually quickly destroyed by the fire. Everything placed inside undergoes change, turns black, releases nasty smoke, and then eventually is converted to pure essences. All that remains is a pure white fluffy sacred ash (vibhuti) easily dispersed in the wind throughout space. Through diffusion (as smoke) we can see the substance once solid in the fire being dispersed as essences throughout the space of the atmosphere... Meanwhile there is an intangible burning Light, it dances and moves flickering as if it has no physical existence at all but is an etheric body. These are various hints at the Fire's representation and direct link between the "gross" and "subtle" dimensions of Being.
It may be becoming clear through reading these articles - that actually all these diversities of experience such as "gross" and "subtle", are all part of One Totality of Being. In this way divisions, and confusions are united in Realization of Pure Consciousness (Siva) with Infinite Power/Resources/Possibilities (Sakti) to Experience BEING- Infinity...
The Yagna or Sacrifice is non different from the Realization of True Renunciation. With the Understanding of all as One within the Ultimate Reality of Siva and Sakti - how can there be anything to accumulate, be proud of, own, or attain? All is already Perfected within That One Infinite Totality, all Glory Belongs to the One, All, and Everywhere - Infinity.
That is also why worship has come to be... True Devotion or Worship is none other than the uncontrived awe in reflection of the Ultimate Truth. This Miracle of apparent division manifest of the power of Indivisibile Infinity is Amazing! Everywhere that is seen is the play and ecstasy of Siva(Primordial Omnipresent Consciousness) with Sakti (Infinite Ability/Possibility). Therefore this tree, that flower, the river, mountain, parents, children, ancestors, planets, eating, sleeping, dieing - all are fully deserving of the Highest Praise, Devotion, Worship, and Love.
In this Infinite World of Mirrors, if you are missing something - then you must first look within to find it...! Who are You? What does it mean to be Conscious? What Powers (Shaktis) come along with Consciousness (Shiva)?
Yagna or Fire Ceremony is the Perfect Symbol and Reflection of Sadhana - it is like the Burning Aspiration for Realization or Truth which destroys everything else with its Light and Power leaving only the Indestructible -The Immortal Essence to Remain. The Fire is like the Absolute Truth which consumes and transcends all other relative truths - uniting these diversities in One Medium of Supreme Being with Infinite Power to Be.
In the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam - referring to Yagna's theManasya Yagna is said to be the Highest form of Yagna which leads to Moksha. This is hinting at and pointing to the highest meaning of Yagna. Often in India today (and in history) Yagnas are performed with hopes of attaining worldly results, and with little regards to the actual message and meaning conferred by the Holy Fire. In recognition of the Truth - surrendering all of one's selfishness and separateness into the Light of Knowledge, Aspiration, Love, and Consciousness - That Immortal Perfection of Being is Realized; those results/Treasures are Everlasting - worldly successes pass with death.
Aum Na Ma Si Vaa Ya!
taken from a facebook posting
25. Juni 2013
into the Inner Meaning
of The Yagna - Fire of Sacrifice
The Fire Sacrifice/Ceremony is a symbol, teaching, and practice representing the Ultimate Truth and Highest Realization... However just as this Infinite Manifestation has many Dimensions to experience and perception - in the same wayeach of these Teachings of the Ancient Seers, Sages, and Masters has deeper and deeper dimensions of merging into and directly experiencing the Truth of these Teachings.
In this way an interpretation of these teachings reflecting a worldly state of mind will not reveal their actual inner meaning, and one might just miss the Immortal Treasure hidden within the Message and Realization of Yagna (Sacrifice). This article should help to reveal the Inner Meaning and Yogi's Realization of Sacrifice - which is non different from the Realization and expression of the Highest Truth - The Immortal Knowledge of the All-Pervasive Supreme-Self (Param-Atman). Read further and dive deep into the Immortal Nectar of Self Knowledge - Which grants Ultimate Fulfillment, and Peace as Freedom from all fear(division)...
This Picture to the right is a very special Darshan of Holy Living Fire in a powerful dhuni.
This image is charged with energy and representing of many Dimensions of Truth.