
into the Inner Meaning

of The Yagna - Fire of Sacrifice

The Fire Sacrifice/Ceremony is a symbol, teaching, and practice representing the Ultimate Truth and Highest Realization...  However just as this Infinite Manifestation has many Dimensions to experience and perception - in the same wayeach of these Teachings of the Ancient Seers, Sages, and Masters has deeper and deeper dimensions of merging into and directly experiencing the Truth of these Teachings.

In this way an interpretation of these teachings reflecting a worldly state of mind will not reveal their actual inner meaning, and one might just miss the Immortal Treasure hidden within the Message and Realization of Yagna (Sacrifice).  This article should help to reveal the Inner Meaning and Yogi's Realization of Sacrifice - which is non different from the Realization and expression of the Highest Truth - The Immortal Knowledge of the All-Pervasive Supreme-Self (Param-Atman).  Read further and dive deep into the Immortal Nectar of Self Knowledge - Which grants Ultimate Fulfillment, and Peace as Freedom from all fear(division)...

This Picture to the right is a very special Darshan of Holy Living Fire in a powerful dhuni.


This image is charged with energy and representing of many Dimensions of Truth.