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pink blog
Sri Babaji says that He descends to Earth from the beginning of Dvapara Yuga and from that point start learning how to use yoga to achieve a deep state of meditation.
Shri Sadashiva Charitamrit
20. Februar 2013
The Shiva Purana, which was put into the present form in (perhaps) the fourth or fifth centuri A. D., but which contains written and oral material from a far more distant past. There is the following statement concerning one of the many incarnations of Lord Shiva to carry out his worldly activities.
"in the twenty-eight aeon of Dvapara, there will be... born... Krishna... as the foremost of the sons of Vasudeva.
"Then I (Shiva) too shall be born with the body of a Brahmacarin and the soul of a Yogin by means of Yogic Maya to the great surprise of the worlds.
"On seeing a dead body forsaken in the cremation ground I shall enter into it and make it free from ailments by means of Yogic Maya...Then I will enter the holy divine cavern of Meru along with you (Lord Brahma) and Visnu. O Brahma, I shall then be known as Lakulin.
"The physical incaranation thus and the holy Siddha centre will be greatly renowned as long as the earth lasts."
It is an historical fact that there was a great religious figure in India named Lakulish (a form of Lakulin, which means "one who carries a staff"). Tradition states that he lived at the time of Lord Krishna. Lakulish settled in a place called Kayavarohan, in modern Gujarat state, which is said to have been established as a religious teaching center by Maharshi Vishwamitra in the still earlier era of Lord Ram. Lakulish is credited with formulating and propagating the Pashupamat form of Shaivism and establishing twelve "Jyotirlingams" (special phallic forms symbolic of Lord Shiva's creative energy) around India. The administration of these jyotirlingams and the learning centers associated with them lasted for about a thousand years. The lingams and their temples still exist. Haidakhan Baba frequently walked with a heavy staff, and Mount Meru is anotdher name for Mount Kailash, where Lord Shiva has performed thousands of years of tapas. When Babaji visited Kayavarohan in 1980, he was greeted and worshipped as Lakulish and Lord Shiva.
The present text of the Shiva Purana was compiled sone time later than Lakulish's era and it is now impossible to determine wether the prophesy in the Siva Purana was contained in the earlier versions or oral traditions, or was written at a later time to exalt Lakulish Pashupamat sect. Wether Lakulish represents the first appearance of Shri Babaji in a human form or not, a tradition among Shri Babaji's followers is that He has been in and out of physical worldly activities in an identifiable 'human' form (but not limited to one form only) at least since the end of the Dvapara AYaaug, the time of Lord Krishna.
from theBook
"I Am Harmony."
In creation, the spiritual form Babaji is represented by Lakulish- The Lightning StaffHolder,
arising from the lilac lagoons that represent the sacred shores of our individual souls.
taken from email sended from Raghuvir