om om telephone
om om telephone
is the point when your mala reached (again) the Guru pearl, after doing high speed japa in a comfortable position.
Japa is the most funny thing in being Babaji devotee, the thing He teach to reach the heaven in a very easy and quickly way.
Do it daily, do it every time whenever there is time and do it quickly. highspeed japa is the most beautiful game you can do ..
Start with the mantra and go on, let the thoughts flow, let all flow and rise up the speed.
do the mantra
19. März 2019
THE OM OM TELEPHONE KICK is the moment when Ypu reach (again) the guru pearl. this is the om om telephone moment, this is the connection to Babaji. The thought You have had in this moment is the VIP thought and it is your job to catch it.
You repeat the mantra quickly, more quickly, much much more quickly .. and than the pearl is the break. the cooling down from 108.000km/h down to zero. You have to stop and you have to turn the mala and start again. THis is the holy rule in this game and is made to take the break ... just try it, do japa
"DO IT QUICKLY" Sri Babaji