To make japa was not very populair in the end of the eighties, but I was interested in this. I bought a Mala and went to the river. There I sat down and … stopped smoking my cigarette because this didn't feel good and did what people told me to do, taking the Mala and starting to take one after the other pearl between the fingers during repeating one time
Om Namah Shivay
without the second finger, the symbol for the eGO. The Guru pearl was the extra pearl number 109. Arrived there you had to turn the mala in the other direction and go back. I did it, first slowly and with much concentration, but more and more I became really quick in this metier.
The discovering of the "phantastique japa" came through doing it. Sri Munirajji came to Haidakhan and in one evening Aarti He showed me the real power of japa. During reading the Aarti book and making knots in my blanket I did the japa and discovered that I never will be anymore bored, that there is no line which is only for waiting, japa is nice and can be done everywhere at any time. Quick japa is like techno music, it speeds you also up and later together with japa I ran around in my house and worked like crazy. Japa is creating a natural drug or whatever, it makes you happy.
Japa you can do permanent and get also in the mood that all is
It is a phantastique game to "let it go" the Mantra and the pearls. The pearls are for concentration and so "we stay at the ball" and you have to do it quick. very quick. very very quick. Japa must be done in the highspeed mood with full concentration on the pearls and the Mantra.
If you go on doing it, you will also think during repeating the Mantra, this is no problem. You can not stop thinking and it s not needed. The opposite is right. You need thoughts to get infos. There are several lines in our brain, we think not only one thought in one second. May be there are eight lines which are busy to create thoughts. When you do japa and let the thoughts flow but still concentrate much on this japa, … you will reach the Guru Pearl. There you have to stop. The thoughts which you had in this moment are full of infos. If you have a problem and sit down and do japa, you will find surely a solution, probabaly at pearl no.109
Another effect is to watch your thoughts. If you do japa and the thoughts are flowing and you check what you just thought when reached the Guru Pearl, then you learn to watch your mind. This is a nice and interesting game. We think so much during the day, that it is a fun to discover "what" we are thinking.
Later I started to make japa with headphones and very quick technoYou srew your mind on the one, the Mantra, the
together with music and loud. The job is now to overcome this music-movie and concentrate more and more to this "pearl game". The thoughts are flying away, because the speed is to high to let them come up, then you are only with this Mantra. It is nice, it is wonderful - try it one time and may be you enjoy this.
Japa has to be done regularly, because the mind get some rest when doing this quick quick quick and some rest is good, some holidays from the most done job of humans: thinking. If you think in the right way, the focus to solutions not to doubts it is a nice thing to think. But if you are serving afraidness and fear and doubts thinking is useless. Analog thinking is a much more interesting way to get the world in a system which you can catch, which you can see as a mirror, a projection from our mind.
Japa is focussing the many to the one, is the zoom in the game of life. It is a revolutionary system to see what's behind. If you stay in the peace of this Mantra you can watch life and get the right infos from Lord Shiva, His name is the key to deep relexation through growing to the ultimative Truth. The meaning of this Mantra "I bow down to Shiva" "His wish Happens" "it is what is", is the cosmic law of energy, of sound.
is a vibration, a round Mantra vibration which the effect of destruction of the corners. the world is made with corners form humans with corners in their brain, the Mantra make it round again, destroying the system of corners, of untruth. The Grace of Lord Shiva gives us again and again the chance to overcome the blocks and arrive in the harbour of the soul: The Heart.
These common code of living together is a creation of thoughts. The japa process lift your mind up, clenaing and purifying it and make it fresh for new, for true infos. Japa is real punk.
Question to Babaji:
"How to do japa, slowly or quick?" Babaji answer: "DO IT QUICKLY."
"Japa is the medicine for the mind." Sri Babaji
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sorry for my english