meeting the elements
meeting the elements
sorry for my english
My meeting with the two Babas at the Kali Dhuni opened me the eyes about drugs, We are using them in the west like drugs, like something which "make you feel better" or whatever this drugs are doing. Nobody showed me before an uplifting aspect, we only smoked them and got happy or crazy or wild or whatever. The two Babas made this to a ceremony and activated Divine power. They called the Divines and specially Lord Shiva and so this stuff got a telephone effect. I discovered something like a meditative level in which the work happend.
After this ritual of calling the unseeable light and smoking this in this special pipe which push the smoke "deep into" ... the breath went out through the nose, which made this even more strong, the stone which was in the chillum to keep away the tobacco from going through and in your mouth, this stone you got hot pressed on your third eye. Than we said
and each of us went their way. I was going to the Karma Yoga and in those times we had to carry stones out of the companie bagh garden and threw them in the rivervalley. It was funny, the heat, the heavy stones which became more easy if you thought they are not heavy, the atmosphere of this unknown jungle paradise location ... this all together created a nice atrmosphere which I liked and which was different then every "smoke party" before in my life.
I discovered also that the Mantra came up automatically and I could not stop to repeat it. The work together with this full concentration to the mantra, the smoke before, this mix showed me a different kind of work. My job was carpenter, this I learned after I stopped the school.
Never I felt comfortable in schools in my life and now I was in an Indian Ashram with A Guru and paying for working in the heat with heavy materials. In my schooltime I had a lot of problems because I had this lifedrama of the high talented child, too clever for nazi-teachers. Yes, in my times there were nazis teaching their thoughts of "right and systems" and this was not very funny. People who don't live the truth try to teach you to lie. The basic element of this society is the lie and not the truth.
They also teach that Gurus are dangerous. May be the Germans have this problem more, because Germans followed a black Guru: Adolf Hitler, who killed millions of people in His war "games". In india people translate the word Gu-ru with the one who shows you the light in the dark, who holds up the lamp to let you see the way ...
My family was an academic family and to protest against I cancelled the high school and started to learn carpenter, a very usefull knowledge was this time on my list and until today I can use this very good. The not good thing is, that these jobs are quite hard to earn your money, that this people are talking but not acting and everybody gets corrumpted and sell their shadow for more money or more power and more easy money. The system of hierarchies can not kick a Punk and this was not my world, but to learn from others what others thought or said was also not my choice. To learn this working system in the class of workers is heavy stuff and to practise it in an Indian Ashram for the result of GOoD was a funny funny trip.
Also funny was to "go again in a church" what I didn't do for many many years. An Indian Ashram is a monestary and there is a temple which is named in our culture church and there was singing like in our catholic sunday visit in a church. There was the picture and people sat in front of this and in a church is a cross with Jesus nailed there forever. Because of my christian education and specially catholic past I was much afraid that I went to a Sekte, to something what is not o.k. and may be this Guru wants to wasch my brain and I will earn money for Him to make Him rich.
But the flat where this Babaji lived before was very very little and the Ashram didn't look extremely rich. There are many Gurus around in india, people who call themselves Gurus and many other people who search for western souls to suck. This "may be it's the wrong place" kept me long time away from entering this story totally. Also all these people who followed crazy cloth dress rules and their acting irritated me much. I didn't feel good there.
I loved this Babaji and His Message, I loved the idea of selfless work, of dimensions after the big revolution which will come. This Babaji was speaking much about this in His speeches which were collected and printed out. But all these rules and some game of "better ones" and "other ones" didn't wake up any devotion in me.
The life in this ashram was full of "rules" and it started in the morning at 4 with waking up and taking bath in the river. I don't like cold water, so this was always the first anti-like job in the morning. Than was Chandan, this is cosmic and they give you yellow color on the face and a red point with special meanings, the feeling was fresh, in this yellow past is also camphor which cools the skin and the smell was wonderful: sandelwood.
After this Chandan a holy fire ceremony started, the five elements are thrown in a fire, which is the "mouth of the mother" and it smelled very very good, the sound of the burning seads and elements were funny and this fire I liked much. After this was the same Aarti like up in the temple, one hour singing texts, which are made from a Baba who went around and told everybody that Babaji will come back. Around 6 months after His death Babaji really appeared and the Leela went on for 14 years.
There are many stories around Haidakhan Baba and there are many stories in the Hindu religion around God, and the Hindus have many Gods. Each one represent a "character" of human souls and is decorated with many many legends and Leelas (divine plays). Wonderfull, colorfull, incredible messages for us.
Haidakhan is a small village at a river, which is much in the focus of everybody, of Ashram people and of villagers who live with the river and few live from the river, unbelievable surviving in the foothillarea of The Himalyas, Kumaon. Life is the essential form of living, only living from one day to the next day, from winter to summer, from one life to the next life. Simplicity.
The Indian clothes were wonderful to discover, soft cotton smiles around your legs, warm woolen blankets wrapped around the body warm your heart, turbans make creative and wearing no shoes grounds you very much. Busy with The Divine Spirit and being connected with the elements, the earth, life. Glorious mix to discover a glorious messenger of the revolution of heart.
The all, the rules, the esoteric talks, the hierarchies and the structure of all were against my complete "seeing of the world" and I made a speech about unjustice in this ashram, a little blaming for me, but my private truth wanted it. (one year later when I came back these points were not anymore existing).
The only real fascinating story during my first visit was the meeting with Buthnath, King of Ghosts ...
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