Karma Yoga
Karma Yoga
In the books I readed much about Karma Yoga. Babaji talks much about this highest Yoga in Kali Yuga. Karma Yoga is a very simpel system to enter higher levels of being.
In your life you are creating walls with stones. The deeds you did are creating stones, each of them is a stone for the good wall or for the bad wall. If you do good deeds, good actions you create deed by deed, stone by stone a wall with good and more and more good and you enter "the good world".
Karma Yoga is action dedicated to somebody or something, dedicated to the idea of good, of God. The hands are working and the mind is repeating
The training with this Yoga is the way to happiness, believe me. Karma Yoga is work, but work is not always Karma Yoga. The essence of Karma Yoga is giving, you dedicate your deeds to somebody or something, but you don't work only for yourself. You work for a great idea, for a vision, the vision of Bhole Baba, of Babaji, of God, of good. And this is another level than to work only for money. Of course with money you can also make good, but you don't need money to do good. Good is good, this is very simpel. And simplicity is one of the three main points in The Teachings of Babaji, of His message. Simplicity starts in the mind, but how to think simple if the mind is programmed complicated?
If you surrender to your self to God in preating the Mantra
you do something what is 'under', under His Divine will. You don't step in His game, You surrender and play the game. Doing the Mantra and lifting up the spririt to the sky, going away from doubts or other useless thoughts in repeating this Mantra and let the hands do what the hands are doing, the concentration is on the one and not on the the two.
Two is coming from doubts, one if soming from a focus. With Karma Yoga you focus on the good and this gives good results and let you feel good. If you feel good may be you are ready to discover that He is the doer, when you are not doing. In focussing on the
the mind is free, free enough to realize the impossible, that all is directed from God, form a common wish, from energy. If you join this energy you can discover the roots and get more quickly ready with the deeds, done by Him. If you really concentrate and don't speak and stay in the Mantra, in the quick repitition of the Mantra the "things will be done" and this is the same rule for the whole life. It will be done, very true, very easy and very love ...
Even jobs we don't like we can manage with this Karma Yoga in a beautiful way, if we like. If we don't like it will be still the last horrojob, it's depends on you. If you do this Yoga more and more also your thinking gets injected from the selflessness in the message of this Yoga and it let you discover that this is a cool way to live. The opposite of the existing "taker-system" is Karma Yoga and for this it is Punk.
Between the lines of Babaji's book "The Teachings of Babaji" you can find the real informations. The words are only the transmitting energy to tell you a beautiful story of a better world. A changed world after the Kranti, the very big revolution which is coming up or in which we are already. Karma Yoga is also a revolution against the turbo capitalism which is living from taking not from giving and guiding us to an unhappy world. To change the levels of energy is the job of Karma Yoga. It changes your habbits totally and radical, if you do it really in a Divine mood and not for your personal advantage.
"I and my have put a veil over the heart of people" Babaji
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